Sunday, September 18, 2011

The First Step

Life, it is a swirling fast movement, it goes on whether you participate or not.  This is my first step to participating in my LIFE. Allison Dalke has a blogg where she herself does a Sunday 7. In this blog she also encouraged her readers to try implementing this Sunday 7 in their own life to enrich or change their own lifestyle. The following is a post I submitted to her blogg to start my journey and to hopefully win a prize from Allison's blogg. 

~~~Well this is my second try at posting this tonight, the first time ended in tragedy with it being lost into  the internet  unknown. {although it would be easier to say i'll do it later and forget it} See my Greatest struggle is with procrastination and maybe the Sunday 7 is how I can over come this......After all every journey starts with a step.....
1.Faith} I will pray personally daily to seek God's guidance and Strength with procrastinating.
2.Family}IN my family it's seems I blink and I have missed so much. There are 5 other people in this house, and this week I plan to daily have a "us moment"  with a different family member to try to reconnect and preserve a moment of time even if it is little.
3.Relationships} This is an ongoing struggle.  This week I will work to keep thoughts positive toward people that have hurt my heart.  God loves unconditionally and I need to remember  this when handling these relationships in my life and not let the devil win. I read a quote once~ Those that need Love the most sometimes deserve it the least.
4.Work}I need to Follow Through. Each day take one step toward this and be happy with the step instead of beating my self up for not achieving instant greatness.  (To Grow Bamboo takes many years with the last six weeks being the 2nd most important step.... the 1st most important step is to plant the seeds initially.)
5.Health & Health}Eat more balanced home cooked meals. Monday plan out weekly dinner menu before shopping on tuesday.  Also get back on schedule for taking meds on set time schedule. {AKA again stop procrastinating}
6.Finance} Redorganise/update Bill Binder to determine actual outlook. Plan how to advance toward getting bigger house.
7.Down Time} Achieve 3 different times where it is me and my IPOD for needed chillaxing.
Thank you Allison for encouraging me to metaphorically plant some Bamboo seeds.

Now after having to complete this task twice I realised that it wasn't actually Allison telling me "hey you need to do this", but it was god giving me a heads up. So I ask whomever may read this, to please say a simple prayer of encouragement that I have the strength to do this.  I know that when many reach out to god in prayer there is strength.  So this is my first step to the living of my life...........

(pronounced  Gerroovy Me!) 

1 comment:

  1. Guess what?! You won the Much Ado About You planner! I don't know how else to get in contact with you, so go to and give me all the details on the planner you want. It just may be the extra push you need.
